Workplace, Adult Bully or Successful Psychopath, A Matter of Semantics. By, ABC

Workplace, Adult Bully or Successful Psychopath, A Matter of Semantics. By, ABC

Most everyone in the United States being familiar with the terms “going postal”, are very much affected by the “workplace bullying and mobbing phenomenon”. Very few however, understand what is really meant by these terms. Most, having only heard mention of adults in our workplaces described as “bully(ies)” and more recently in other life circumstances, but are unfamiliar with what is really meant when an adult is referred to as a “bully”.

People in several other English speaking countries, such as the United Kingdom, Australia and Canada, are more familiar with both the terms and the meaning of “workplace bullying and/or adult bullying and mobbing”. These countries being the first to recognize and determine that “adult bullying and mobbing” posed a problem in their workplaces, serious enough, to both educate and legislate against it. The only problem is that people in these countries use the term “bully” or “bullying” in reference to both the schoolyard bullying of childhood, AND when referring to adults who bully, although they are very different in nature. Most child bullies, being simply immature.

When people in the United States first hear about “the adult or workplace bullying and mobbing phenomenon”, most continue to quickly dismiss the notion of an “adult” who is a “bully” or adult(s) who use “bullying and mobbing” behaviors in the workplace. The word(s) “bully(ies)” seeming just too juvenile and petty to associate with a serious problem between adults. Instead, the word “cry baby” comes to mind in reference to the “target”.

It is not understood, that when the word “bully(ies)(ing)” is used to describe behaviors of an adult, who abuses other adults, the meaning becomes more concerning. These adults are thought to think very differently than most of us, having an absent or diminished ability to experience caring, empathetic feelings for other people. They also derive a type of satisfaction over the misfortune of other people , which they often cause by manipulating others covertly through lies and deception against their target(s), this is called “mobbing”.

People in the United States are more familiar with the medical terms “psychopath”, or “sociopath”, when referring to adults who lack or have a diminished ability to have caring feelings for other people.

But most are unaware, that some “psychopaths/sociopaths”, also happen to be highly intelligent, and are referred to medically as “successful psychopaths/sociopath”. They are “successful” in that their intelligence makes it possible for them to recognize and understand that they think differently and lack the caring emotions that other people express. Most “successful psychopaths/sociopaths” consider these differences as an advantage over others, and carefully learn to mimic the normal emotions of others. Their ability to deceive others, by appearing emotionally healthy, while using half truths and blatant lies is stellar. Their intelligence making it possible for them to remember the complex web of lies they weave, to succeed at deceiving everyone’s perception against their target(s}. Most “Adult bullies” in our workplaces more precisely share the characteristics of “successful psychopaths”.

Although most people in the US know some of the facts about psychopaths/sociopaths, most only know it as it pertains to adult abusers in the news, and in both true and fictional stories and movies, depicting heartless crimes against innocent or random victims.

Many feel confident in their ability to recognize and avoid these criminal personalities, not understanding that the psychopaths/sociopaths they read about or see in movies, only represent behaviors typical of psychopaths/sociopaths of average or low intelligence. Their lack of higher intelligence, resulting in their newsworthy arrests and the stuff of tales of crimes gone wrong.

The truth is, “adult bullies” are more precisely, intelligent adults, with a level of “psychopathy/sociopathy”.  Approximately 4% of the general population is comprised of “successful psychopaths”.  Possibly the greatest hidden threat, that the average American adult, is both exposed to, but knows little, or nothing about.

Learn more about “adult bullying and mobbing” and “successful psychopaths/sociopaths” today!  Who knows, the next psychopathic thriller may play out for real, at your workplace, or in other circumstances, where another adult has some type of authority or other advantage over you!

11 Responses

  1. Interesting thoughts on different terms here. I do think at least here in America, the first thing we think of when we think ‘bully’ is a kid, and ‘psychopath; definitely our first thought is an adult. I think you’ve made a very interesting point here!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Having always lived and worked in the United States, I only knew the word “bully” as it pertains to schoolyard bullying of childhood. Not knowing that the word “bully” also pertains to abusive adults, added at least two additional years, before I finally found the real reasons that I suddenly started to experience hostility and shunning behaviors from first my boss and then some of my coworkers. All starting after many previous years of warm relationships and shared successes at a job that I both loved and excelled in.

      I will never forget the evening when I finally learned WHY!! Having been bullied and mobbed for 2+years at that time, I had sunk deeper into the helplessness of not knowing had ever brought be before. Nothing I read, no one I spoke to, no idea I could think of, maybe nothing at all will ever help, I thought in despair as I stared at my Google search page. I was thinking how intimidated I felt by a threat I couldn’t identify, as I idly wrote on the search bar “intimidation at work”. Before I knew it, terms from the United Kingdom popped up on the screen that I wasn’t really familiar with, “workplace bullying and mobbing”, “Serial Bully Boss”, “closet bully boss” and many more similar terms that seemed to be referring to adults as “bullies in the workplace”. As I read the first sentence, then the next and the next, I couldn’t believe it, these sentences WERE DESCRIBING MY PROBLEM EXACTLY!!! I thought of showing these articles to everyone I previously spoke to about this weird problem with my boss, when it occurred to me, WHO IN THE USA IS GOING TO BELIEVE THERE ARE BULLIES AT WORK!?!

      I printed a few of the best workplace bullying/mobbing articles, from the most reliable sources. After handing them to my employer’s HR Rep. the next day, while verbally emphasizing the reliability of UK sources, a glance latter, they were all in the garbage!



  2. People who have not experienced workplace bullying cannot comprehend that someone would go to all the trouble of bullying a competent worker out of their job, but hopefully taking a long time to leave to that the bully enjoys the emotional pain inflicted.

    In America and Europe, workplace bullying is called mobbing.

    In the UK, it is just called bullying, despite the fact that people tend to mix it up with the harassments of prejudices in society inflicted on workers, like sexual, homophobic, ageist or racist.

    Also a bully need not be the boss, but could be one or more of your peer group at the same level.

    I put together some resources as a survivor and one time member of a support group, on a page to help people survive and prevent the phuysical, emotional and spiritual – mind – body – spirit injuries of being a bully victim.

    And ways to destress from a toxic boss:

    Hope these pages help someone.

    Only fellow sufferers actually understand each other. Medicine has not understood yet, so in the UK it has no legal definition.

    As Europe is not one culture, an EU wide law was found unable to be passed. What works in one culture, does not work in another around stress and stress prevention.


  3. Important distinction about bullying terminology… and, 4% is quite a lot to be concerned about!


  4. That 4% figure caught my attention too! And heightened my level of self safety concern and awareness by about 99%!


  5. Sweet Donna, it breaks my heart to hear that some have been unkind to you. You have a beautiful heart and spirit. People that bully have something missing inside. I’ve tried to call and email you with no luck.

    Sending a hug,


  6. I can’t believe you wrote and I can’t believe I found your comment. This is an old website. I’ve been looking for you too. After not finding you on AOL any more, I tried many searches but never found you. Please call me 860-806-7061


  7. I’ve been trying to find you for years TOO. MY NEW PHONE NUMBER IS 860-387-5065 PLEASE CALL, from, Donna


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